Zen of Palm - 设计哲学
The path to Enlightenment
The handheld device
Handhelds include :
- personal digital organizers
- weirless communicators
- smart phones
- medical and scientific instruments
- inventory trackers
- a host of other devices.
##Three principles of palm powered handheld products :
- User-centric
- can be used anywhere, anytime.
- apps have a very specific focus.
用户必须随时随地都能方便的使用产品,在电脑不方便使用的时候。 要是要花大力气才能使用,这个产品就不够格了,同样移动端产品也需要正好能够我们的双手使用太大或太小都不合适。
移动端产品必须有目的性(sense of purpose).必须认真地完成客户当前的任务。 也就是一次只完成一件事儿。 focus is the name of the game .
Design Philosophies
How can a gorilla learn to fly?
The Essence of PCs
In PCs , more features are better Features vs. user experience.
The Essence of Handhelds
Handhelds excel at perceived speed A handheld must be quick to use . How quickly user can reach for the device , open it , find appropriate information, and proceed with her other tasks.
Too many features frustrate customers A handheld application has to offer what the user needs to do and offer it in a way that’s quick to learn and easy to use.
A handheld must be free to roam about handhelds take one features at a cost.
If one of the requirements of the handheld device was to operate without a recharge or new batteries for several days at a time, then the handheld’s designers have lost focus. An unfocused and undisciplined loading of features makes the handheld bigger and heavier, leading to a spiral of doom:
Handhelds must be wearable
more than just portable.
Handhelds are about the user There is a point of diminishing returns when adding features to a handheld. Adding too much degrades the user experience.
要是在移动设备上特价太多的功能反而会降低客户的使用体验。 而相反的在PC端,增加功能的同时能提高用户体验。
Inverse Usage Patterns
PC: Sit down , work for longer time
Handhelds are used frequently but briefly.
Handhelds: frequent, short bursts.
Different Design Approaches.
PC Approach
PC: many kinds of complex activities. The more features you can give to customers , the better.
Handheld Approach
focus on clever solutions. Hone in on that really matter.
Power is the ability to get the job done
Utility and convenience equal power. If a few well-chosen features enable you to get the job done, you’ve created an application that is actually more powerful than a feature-heavy one that obscures the user’s primary goals.
On handhelds, the most straightforward designs are the most powerful.
因此在设计PC和移动客户端时也是需要采取两种不同的策略,在PC端,添加越多功能越好,因为,PC是用来处理复杂事务的,而移动端要是添加了太多的功能,使得机器变得太过于称重,则将是失去一切功能。 因此在设计移动端的时候,需要思考那些才是真正值得保留的工能,懂得舍弃,是需要思考的问题。
Solution To Riddle 1
If you want to soar like an eagle and design successful products for the Palm OS platform, you must be willing to set aside instincts, knowledge, and experience that you acquired designing PC products.