Zen of Palm - 设计完善
Design Improvemnet.
Riddle 4
How do you improve perfection?
Hint:What is a “more perfect union?”
Your product must continue to improve in order to keep ahead of its competition.
###Stretching the Sweet Spot
Shifted the curve and made the sweet spot larger.
当一个产品已经很完美的时候,达到了所谓的“甜蜜点”的时候,为什么还要继续改进呢? 这看起来似乎是一个驳论。当一个产品的功能技术和用户的体验达到了一种完美的状态时,产品设计的人员的工作似乎就结束了,无需再做任何改进了。 但是外部的世界不是一成不变的,随着外部世界的不断变化和进步,我们需要重新去寻找平衡的甜蜜点。
Add features creatively
Disvoering New Features
Study other products
Evaluate a potential new feature:
The feature uses a technology that has evolved to become less demanding over time. Technologies that were too bulky, too expensive, or too power hungry to fit your sweet spot last year may be less so this year.
You have a pragmatic and innovative idea for using the new feature in a way that no one has done before. Pragmatic innovation is the key to making a cumbersome technology elegant, thereby keeping it in the ease-of-use sweet spot.
Solution to Riddle#4
A: Are you kidding? Perfection is a balancing act. Change the environment, and you have to re-adjust the balance.
“perfection” is dynamic , not static.
There are stages along an evolutionary development where the balance appears perfect.
The history of telephone technology demonstrates this dynamism.
之后,每个有电话的人都被分配了一个号码,于是人们按照号码来拨打电话。 之后,人们渐渐的拜托背号码的麻烦只需要储存电话号码选择人名即可拨打。可以想象,说不定在不远的将来每个人都一个分配专属电话号码,同你的ID一样。 当然我们需要考虑如何去屏蔽过滤骚扰电话。